Bringing the observation hive to the C. F. Goodwin Library in Royse City, Texas for the young, and young at heart, to see! Attendees will be able to see live bees in action as they carry on the work of the hive. The presentation begins at 10am on Saturday, July 8th. Be there and "bee" in the know! Let me know in the comment section if you can spot the queen bee!
There is a need to cancel this class on Saturday. However, it will be back on the workshop schedule just as soon as I get all the new details worked out. Thanks for understanding. Hope to see and meet you soon!
C.F. Goodwin Public Library - Saturday 24th @10am 309 N Arch St Royse City, TX 75173 This is a children's summer reading program event. I will be reading a book to the kidos, followed by discussion and demonstrations on different ways to grow plants. Together we will learn to build a better world as we plant seeds, food scraps and plant divisions for the young gardeners to take home! The first three chicks emerge from under the golden feathers of mama hen. Being the good hen that she is, she's not going to let me get a look under her to see how many of the 15 eggs have hatched. This can wait for another day. As you can tell, the chicks are not yellow like Buff Orpington chicks should be. These three are Black Australorp chicks. Hoping there are some Orpingtons that hatched as well. I will keep you posted as more chicks should hatch under hen #2 this weekend. Please, post a photo of your chicks in the comments. Would love to see them! Got it scheduled and booked! Class is going to be at the First United Methodist Church in Royse City, Texas. We will be getting started just a little past noon at 12:30. If you're having a hectic Saturday schedule, grab a sack lunch and bring it along. Make a little time to sit and catch your breath at lunch while learning something new. Seeting is limited, so book now and I'll save a seat for you!
A Mattingly
Artist, Writer, Holistic Living Guide Important Disclaimer: Any content discussing medicinal uses of plants, herbs, or food as medicine is informational only and not prescriptive. When dealing with health issues, be sure to do your own research and consult with the appropriate health professional for guidance. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. It is information based on my personal research and studies.
September 2023