It's another beautiful fall morning here on the farm! Today I want to talk about planting trees, specifically fruit trees. How many of you realize fall is the best time to plant trees? Though they can be planted anytime of year, fall is the best time as it gives them time to become established in their new home before spring. Knowing this, I have always found it funny how this is the time of year when it's difficult to find trees in the garden section of the most popular super stores. Your local tree farms will have plenty to choose from though.
Love this dopey dog of mine! He is so much fun and full of energy. Wish I had half his energy and nimbleness! He leaps over the fence like a gazelle, as he runs through the different pastures. Here he is in the apiary on one of our trips out to check the beehives last January. We usually get an escort to the bee yard, then it's off to frolic through the prairie grass and trees. Levi's a good dog in the apiary, but in the yard..... He's always trying to eat the bees!! Yes, he succeeds at catching and eating them. It's amazing to watch his head move around as his eyes focus on, and follow, the bee just before he leaps in the air to catch it with his mouth! I know what you're thinking, and no, most of the time he doesn't get stung. Only on one occasion did it appear he was stung. Not sure what it is, but those little buzzing ladies really irritate him. For the most part, it's not a big deal. That is, unless he eats the queen! Queen bees can get pretty pricey if you need to buy one. It is also possible to lose the entire hive without the queen. The chances of this actually happening as pretty rare. You see, the queen bee only leaves the hive once or twice for her mating flight, at which time she is matted for life. After just a few weeks of emerging from her honeycomb cell as an adult, she leaves the hive to take flight to a drone congregating area where she will mate with up to 15 or 20 drones (male bees). The mating takes place in mid-air. Hope you enjoyed this tidbit of bee information. Have a wonderful day and God Bless! I just LOVE Monday mornings! Most of the rest of the nation, and my family members, jump in the car and begin their commute to work. I get to stay here on the farm and work! Honey orders filled and shipped for the day. A country greeting sent out for your day! Running errands into town on a Monday is always fun as the farm supply, and other stores, are not crowded. Roads don't seem as busy on a Monday after rush hour. Just me, some John Deere tractors and other farmers running around. Some plowing and planting, others cutting or hauling hay. Then there are the rest of us running errands and picking up supplies. Time for me to head out and work with compost and worm bins next. Then it's back inside to my computer for a little more office work today. I absolutely love my life! Please, let me know about your favorite day of the week! Cheers to all and God Bless! |
A Mattingly
Artist, Writer, Holistic Living Guide Important Disclaimer: Any content discussing medicinal uses of plants, herbs, or food as medicine is informational only and not prescriptive. When dealing with health issues, be sure to do your own research and consult with the appropriate health professional for guidance. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. It is information based on my personal research and studies.
September 2023