So I thought things were meant to slow down in the fall. Not the story here. At least for now. Planted several bushes and trees last week as fall is the best time for planting. We had our possible first frost of the season coming in. No, the weather man was wrong. Oh well, I'm now ready for whenever it comes. Also this fall I have been working with a church group of kiddos starting a worm bin for composting and a few cold weather plants in our garden. To follow the progress, check out this link! Stay warm and happy gardening! "Give a man a cabbage, feed him for a day. Teach him to garden, feed him for a lifetime!"
Here are a few images showing the process of filling the raised bed we just added. It's a good start, but we will definitely be adding more compost items all fall and winter in preparation for the spring planting! The bed was designed from pictures of other beds we had seen. At some point, we will add two feet of hardware cloth on top of the boards. It will be attached to the corner post and top boards also to be added later. Hopefully this will be deep enough to keep the rabbits out! The chickens, probably not. As you can see, there is a lot of space to fill in this bed. It is an 8'x8' square. The beds are 3' wide and 2' deep. On top of the branches, we added about a foot of unfinished compost. The compost will continue to decompose throughout the fall and winter in this new bed. Soon we will be adding manure and more grass clippings as well. |
A Mattingly
Artist, Writer, Holistic Living Guide Important Disclaimer: Any content discussing medicinal uses of plants, herbs, or food as medicine is informational only and not prescriptive. When dealing with health issues, be sure to do your own research and consult with the appropriate health professional for guidance. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. It is information based on my personal research and studies.
September 2023