Honey is extracted, bottled, labeled and for sale at the new online store! This is exciting. Be sure to order soon before supplies run out!
I've used cast iron dutch ovens for years without knowing what all the pointy bumps were for on the inside of some lids. Well, as of today it's no longer a mystery. Turns out they are for basting. Having these bumps on the inside of the lid turns it into a self-basting oven. That's right, there's no need to open the oven, pull out the heavy pot, remove lid and bast the contents. Continuously basting while braising or stewing results in meats, soups and stews coming out very moist and juicy! Steam rises to the top of the pot, condensates on the lid and drips down the pointed bumps back into the soup or stew. It's like a little rain storm raining wholesome goodness on the delicious food inside. While enjoying my morning coffee and breakfast on the patio, I watched one of my frequent Hummingbird visitors eating nectar from the Ruellia plant. I was thinking how these blooms are a lot like the manna God provided for the Israelites. The Ruellia is bursting with purple blooms each morning, but by the end of the day all blooms have fallen off. No worries though, as God will provide more blooms in the morning! This serves as a reminder to me that just as God has provided for the daily needs of the Israelites and Hummingbirds, so too will he provide for mine. There have been many times in my life that God has provided exactly what was needed at just the right time! At this , I paused to thank the Lord for the daily provisions he provides. Share a time when God has provided manna for you. |
A Mattingly
Artist, Writer, Holistic Living Guide Important Disclaimer: Any content discussing medicinal uses of plants, herbs, or food as medicine is informational only and not prescriptive. When dealing with health issues, be sure to do your own research and consult with the appropriate health professional for guidance. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. It is information based on my personal research and studies.
September 2023